Beyond Brainstorming: Tapping Your Inner Innovator

The Emerging Coach Series
Thu, 19 September, 2024 12:00pm - 12:50pm

In this session, we challenge the notion that innovation is the sole domain of “creative” types and introduce a tool called the Lotus Blossom. The Lotus Blossom helps people go beyond traditional brainstorming by centering ideas around a central question, themes related to that question, and specific actions to take related to each theme. When brainstorming, we often get stuck in our first set of ideas. The Lotus Blossom helps us move through and beyond the first set of ideas and ends with a beautiful flower full of possibilities.

Lynne Cuppernull
Senior Principal, Leadership Development & Organizational Transformation at the MITRE Institute
Certified Innovation Toolkit Facilitator


The Emerging Coach Series (eCo Series) is focused on supporting the new coach in their journey of learning, growing, and community building. The series features sessions with our coaching program alumni who bring in a question that the community will co-explore and work with. The space is also open to those curious about coaching who might want to explore and learn more about this path.

Featured Speakers and Topics:
The program is moderated by Ina Gjikondi, PCC, Director of the  e-Co Leadership Coaching Program

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Open to everyone.

Event Hashtags
#EmergingCoachSeries, #eCoSeries, #Coaching, #LeadershipDevelopment, #PersonalGrowth, #ProfessionalDevelopment, #ExecutiveCoaching, #GWCEPL

Ina Gjikondi
[email protected]

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