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Off-the-Shelf Bundles
Off-the-Shelf Bundles

Off-the-Shelf Bundles

Organizational Solutions for
SES Candidate Development Programs


For federal agencies seeking to work with a University to provide the academic components of their SES Candidate Development Programs (SES CDP), the George Washington University’s Center for Excellence in Public Leadership (GW CEPL) is pleased to provide the following offerings from its commercial, off-the-shelf open enrollment programs that meet the academic components required by the US Office of Personnel Management for certified SES CDPs (see OPM Checklist). 

  • The bundle can be tailored to meet specific requirements of the agency. A minimum of 10 participants is required for bundling.
  • The program can be offered virtually. Components can be scheduled to meet the agency’s preferred timing, from 12-months to two years.
  • GW CEPL will work with the Agency’s CDP program staff to manage the interface between the agency’s responsibilities and the academic components provided by GW.
Advanced Leadership Workshop

The Advanced Leadership Workshop (ALW) is a 3-day non-residential session that includes a 360-degree feedback assessment to help you identify strengths and gaps in your leadership capabilities. The Advanced Leadership Workshop will enable you to wrestle with and find answers to the question of how you, personally, can lead public sector organizations now and in the future.

Who Should Attend: Senior managers and Executives (e.g., GS Grades 14+ and SES)

Program Description: Each workshop is tailored to the specific needs of the participants through a 360-degree leadership assessment tool completed prior to the workshop. The workshop also includes a debrief of the assessment, and introduces participants to the development of an Executive Development Plan, as well as the writing of the ECQ statements. Depending on the needs of the participants, the program can provide individual and peer coaching, as well as modules on specific leadership issues.

Price: $3,250 per participant

Format: The workshop can be offered virtually or face-to-face. Price does NOT cover room and board.

Senior Leader Development Workshop

The Senior Leader Development Workshop is a flexible session that can be tailored to meet the needs of the participants, or specific topics required by an agency. 

Who Should Attend: Senior managers and Executives (e.g., GS Grades 14+ and SES)

Program Description: Senior Leadership Development Workshop is designed for persons in an agency who are already in significant leadership positions, but who must expand, enhance, or strengthen their leadership capacity to keep pace with organizational priorities.  As part of this program, participants may receive mentoring or guidance from more senior executives or subject matter experts, based on the selected leadership issues the participants wish to develop.

Price: $ 1,950 per participant

Format: The workshop can be offered virtually or face-to-face

Senior Leader Program

The Senior Leader Program covers the Office of Personnel Management's (OPM's) Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) and meets the required 80-hour interagency training requirement, focusing specifically on higher-level competencies.  The opportunity allows you to learn more about common and emerging leadership and management issues while developing strategies for effective change.

Who Should Attend:
Federal GS 14-15s and comparable levels in military, state or local government.

The program is offered in two formats: online and in-person. 

Senior Leader Program Virtual Classroom

The Senior Leader Program (SLP) Virtual Classroom is offered as a five-week experience. Participants meet 2-3 times a week for five consecutive weeks for a total of 80 hours of total class time. Each day will be structured in such a way as to provide ample breaks and opportunities to break out into groups and connect with leaders across other agencies. 

Dates: See our Senior Leader Program page
Venue: Online
Price: $6,750

Senior Leader Program Intensive

The Senior Leader Program (SLP) Intensive is offered as a two-week experience. Participants meet daily for two consecutive weeks (with the exception of Sunday). Classes convene for eight hours each day from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM for a total of 80 hours of class time.

Dates: See our Senior Leader Program page

Venue: GW Facility (TBA); All programs are held in the Washington, D.C. area on the campus of George Washington University (Orange and Blue lines).
Price: $8,950

Executive Communications Workshop

Executive Communications Workshop involves individual and group coaching to improve participants’ public speaking capabilities and comfort levels.

Who Should Attend: Senior managers and Executives (e.g., GS Grades 14+ and SES)

Program Description: Three days long when held in person, this component can be divided into three segments, focusing on different aspects of executive communications, such as congressional testimony, communicating with the public and the media, and communicating with the workforce. These sessions can be held virtually or face to face.

Price: $ 3,250 per participant

Format: The workshop can be offered virtually or face-to-face

Individual Executive Coaching and ECQ Writing Coaching

Participants receive coaching in the following areas:

Individual Executive Coaching (8 hours/person)
In addition to the 1-hour debrief of their 360-degree assessment results, participants will receive up to 6 hours of individual executive coaching while they are in the program. (The 8 hours include a 1-hour review and 1-hour debrief of the participant’s assessment results by the coach.)

ECQ Writing Coaching (10 hours/person)
As part of the SES CDP, participants will work with an ECQ coach to develop two stories for each of the ECQs to include in their traditional ECQ statements.  They will also build their 5-page ECQ resume.

Bundle Price for Individual Executive and ECQ Writing Coaching: $9,500 per person

Format: Sessions will be offered virtually

Peer Coaching

Peer Coaching is a powerful tool to enable participants to gain insight and guidance in responding to leadership challenges they encounter in their work. Participants address leadership challenges they are experiencing by receiving structured support from colleagues.

Who Should Attend: Any level of leadership across public, private and non-profit organizations

Description: Facilitated by one of GW CEPL’s certified coaches, sessions follow a process based on Otto Scharmer’s Theory U, designed to elicit new understanding and learning through asking powerful questions.  Each member of a group takes a turn to be the challenge provider, while the other members ask questions to help clarify the issues the presenter is struggling with. Participants will also learn how to facilitate sessions themselves as an additional tool for their leadership toolkit.

Price: $6,500 per person for 5 sessions for up to 5 participants

Format: Sessions will be offered virtually

Leadership Development Support Tools

360-degree Assessments

The Center’s faculty are certified to deliver a variety of 360-degree Assessments. We will work with you to identify the most appropriate assessment for your participants’ needs. The assessments we use include the OPM 360-degree Assessment, The Leadership Circle, and the Leadership Practices Inventory.

Participants will receive a snapshot of their leadership strengths and challenges. The assessment will measure key leadership competencies, assess belief system and assumptions, and point to stages of development. It organizes results to provide a comprehensive metric for tracking leadership development and cultural change, and facilitates ongoing performance management.

Who Should Attend: Executives, Managers and Supervisors

Price: $450 per person

Preference-Based Indicators Assessments

Participants will develop an increased understanding of their leadership style preferences and their implications for effective communication, interpersonal interaction, and decision-making. Participants will review the results of their assessments and analyze the implications for their effectiveness in interacting with others.

Assessments include Hermann Brain Dominance Inventory, EQ-i2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment and Social Styles

Who Should Attend: Executives, Managers and Supervisors

Price: $250 per person

Leadership Library

Participants receive e-readers loaded with a library of current and classic academic and practical leadership books, articles, and other resources. Readings include resources selected by GW CEPL faculty, as well as up to 5 readings that the participant can choose, based on specific leadership issues or interests.

Price: $350 per person


All simulations can be customized for an additional fee.

Change Management Simulation                                   

In this simulation, participants work together to create and manage a major organizational change effort.  Grounded in John Kotter’s 8 Stages of Change and William Bridges’ Managing Transitions, participants seek to balance the competing needs of people and systems within the organizational setting, while focusing on providing excellent customer service and achieving the organization’s mission in and through the change process.

Price: $8,500 per order

Organization Performance Simulation                                       

This simulation requires participants to work together to complete a project on time and on budget, while dealing with competing customer requirements.  Participants are assigned a role from among the ranks of management, customers, financial accountability, and workers.  How they manage their time, their money, their work, information about the product, and customer satisfaction provides the experiential learning component that is related back to their real-world work environment through a series of debriefs, both during and after the actual simulation.  Regardless of the agency or work discipline of the participants, the simulation provides much food for thought on how to improve communication, work processes, and information sharing in order to achieve improved performance in the work environment.

Price: $6,500 per order

Strategic Management Simulation

The Strategic Management Simulation is an intensive three-day exercise in agency management and intergovernmental leadership.  The simulation requires individuals and small teams to integrate and apply a broad range of quantitative and qualitative skills (e.g., financial management and budgeting, strategic and project/program planning, small group dynamics and organization behavior) under conditions of uncertainty, urgency, and complexity.  The simulation scenario is tailored to address the agency’s strategic issues.  The simulation culminates in a mock congressional hearing in which participants present a consensus proposal to reconcile those interests, as they are manifested in the various policy, budget, and other priorities and options developed by the participants.

Price: $24,000 per order