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Luann Barndt

Leadership Coach, Captain, US Coast Guard (Retired)


Email: Luann Barndt
Office Phone: 703-244-3598

Embodying her belief that challenges can be transformed into unexpected opportunities, Luann continuously stretches her learning edge to navigate toward new horizons. Growing through challenges, distinct from bouncing back from them, Luann strengthens her own resilience to guide leaders’ successful navigation through Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) toward who we aspire to be. Luann models how accessing our embodied wisdom increases capacity to learn quickly and lead resourcefully in our VUCA environment.

Guided by her personal lifelong learning, Luann co-creates powerful practices leading to new ways of being enabling us to connect with and act on what we care most about. Dr. Barndt provided impactful training and coaching for numerous Executive Leadership Development program participants. She helped clients interpret 360 results to identify strengths and blind spots to identify focus areas and desired outcomes. During culminating Leadership Story assignment, clients acknowledged Luann’s contribution by highlighting the positive professional and personal impact of her individual and peer coaching.

Dr. Barndt enthusiastically led Peer Coaching Introductory Workshops and facilitates Peer Coaching/Learning sessions. Clients routinely rate these Peer Coaching sessions as one of the highlights of their learning. Honored to contribute to the development of the e-Co Leadership Coach Certification Program, Dr. Barndt serves as Faculty of this groundbreaking program. Dr. Barndt co-facilitated Leadership Dojo training programs for Vistage group using a multifaceted and multilayered embodied learning process designed to enhance leadership skills and personal transformation beyond cognitive based learning approach. As a Lead Instructor for NEXT Leadership Academy, Dr. Barndt facilitates leadership development for Construction leaders. Captain Barndt, US Coast Guard (Retired) is a veteran with Command experience.

Married to a veteran, they are proud parents of a US Army soldier and a US Navy sailor. Luann aspires to practice Embodying Life More Fully: Mindfully; Gratefully; Resourcefully; Peacefully; Playfully; and Joyfully! As a PADI Divemaster, Luann refreshes and renews as a dive volunteer at the National Aquarium. To stretch out of her comfort zone, Luann playfully experiments with Stand-up Comedy, Improv, and Storytelling. Luann cultivates well-being through her Internal Arts practice of Nei Gong and Qi Gong.

  • Leadership Coaching (Embodied, Somatic)
  • Peer Coaching/Action
  • Learning Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC)
  • Narrative Coaching/Conversational Intelligence
  • Emotional Literacy Integrative Development
  • Barndt, L. (2019). Exploring, embodying, enacting: Transforming through the experience of integrating the body in learning. The George Washington University.
  • Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Washington, DC. Larson, C., & Barndt, L. (2018). Grounding our coaching: How linguistic coaching came to be. Institute of Coaching.
  • Barndt, L. (2000). Developing character and aligning personal values with organizational values in the United States Coast Guard. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Leavenworth, KS.
  • Doctor of Education in Human and Organizational Learning/Executive Leadership Program
  • The George Washington University Master of National Security Strategy
  • National War College Master of Military Art and Science
  • US Army Command and General Staff College Master of Science in Information Management
  • The George Washington University Bachelor of Science in Management
  • US Coast Guard Academy

With several decades of proven experience leading, teaching, training, and coaching to develop leaders, Luann Barndt is an accomplished Leadership Coach with over 600 hours of coaching more than 200 clients at all levels of government and industry.

Luann's Coaching Philosophy is based on her experience of tapping into embodied wisdom to increase capacity, learn quickly, lead resourcefully, and transform challenges into unexpected opportunities. Discovering the transformational power of integrating the body in my own learning, she coaches through embodied inquiry and body-oriented practices to help clients discover new insights and meaning through sensing and movement to Embody Life Fully!