Jim Robinson

Man in a blue suit with gray hair, glasses and a broad smile

Jim Robinson

Senior Fellow, Formerly the Executive Director


Email: Jim Robinson
Office Phone: 202-994-5307

Jim Robinson has a deep commitment to discovering, supporting, and enabling the development of all people. The continuous thread through all of his work is enabling the fullest development of group, organization, and community potential so that individuals are empowered to actualize their gifts for benefit of themselves and their families in service of a broader community. As an organization executive, he championed the development of work systems that supported high-performance teams and growth in organization performance. As a coach and mentor, he continues to support the development of leaders at all points in their careers. As an educator, he creates learning systems that address the development of the whole person in the context of the challenges of organization performance in volatile and challenging environments. As an advisor to policy think tanks, grassroots movements, and social change organizations, he works for the creation of robust opportunities for socially disadvantaged citizens to realize much more of their God-given potential and contribute to the development of our country and our world.

  • Self-Empowerment Principles and Practical Strategies for Individuals and Organizations
  • Developing Personal and Community Sovereignty
  • Leadership Development Strategies and Enabling Systems
  • Organization Performance Improvement and Change Leadership
  • Organization Design and Development
  • Abundance Thinking and Consciousness for Building Sustainable Organizations and Communities
  • Being A Creator in Your Life... A Workbook for Identifying and Creating Prosperity
  • The Acorn's Promise
  • Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology Certified Practitioner
  • User-Centered Design Practitioner
  • Organization Systems Performance Improvement and Design

Jim Robinson is a leader who has fought for the empowerment, liberation, potential, and promise of all people. As an educator, executive, teacher, mentor, and activist he seeks to be the most powerful catalyst for positive social change that uplifts, inspires, encourages, and provides support resources to enable all people to become the highest versions of their best selves.

Let's come together in service of creating a world in which every person on this planet is valued, invested in, and provided robust opportunities to grow, develop, and contribute to our positive evolution as a species on this blue marble called earth.