Ivy Wolf Turk

Woman smiling broadly wearing a dark shirt

Ivy Wolf Turk



Email: Ivy Wolf Turk
Office Phone: 917-887-3758

Ivy Woolf Turk is an ICF Certified Life and Professional Coach in private practice, a champion of freedom, an internationally recognized inspirational speaker, advocate, workshop innovator/facilitator and author. She is also the founder of Project Liberation where she works with women across all stages of criminal justice involvement, and Re-Writing Your Story, a workshop series for social impact entrepreneurs who would like to break free from what holds them back from making an impact in their lives and the world. She assists them in recognizing and disrupting the pathways that “imprison” them and provides the trauma informed and work/life balance tools for healing.  She is a consultant to the Justice Advocacy Group, LLC in Alexandria, VA., WIN and GOSO, Going Out and Staying Out, and a founding member of the National Council of Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls.  She partners with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to conduct coaching groups in their Health Equity Centers.

Ivy has a unique perspective on incarceration, homelessness and re-entry. A former exec in the advertising and real estate businesses, she found herself caught up in a situation with criminal consequences and was sentenced to 5 years in Federal Prison. While incarcerated at Danbury Federal Prison Camp, Ivy taught GED English literacy, Yoga, Journaling and Meditation. She also co-created C.H.O.I.C.E.S, a group of Federal inmates that went out into the community to speak to youth about the consequences of poor choices.  Finding all options foreclosed in the rigors of Re-Entry since her early release in 2013, Ivy has advocated for the needs of women from inside many prisons all the way to the White House.  She has been featured in Forbes, The New York Times, Rolling Stone, NY1, The Telegraph, and many other publications.

Ivy is a proud mother of two amazing adult children and two adult step-children. She enjoys being” Nonna” to three year old Thalia Mae. She has a B.S. in Communications from Boston University and a CPC from Coaching for Transformation/ Leadership that Works.