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Bonnie Buckner

Woman in a navy blue shirt with collar-length brown hair looking toward the left

Bonnie Buckner

Executive Coach, Senior Fellow


Bonnie Buckner, Ph.D., works with leaders and organizations to find creative solutions to social and global challenges and to understand the role and possibilities of their business/organization in larger, connected capacities. She works with artists and performing arts foundations in the creation of social-impact based art, and coaches individuals from all walks of life in inner, individual development.

At the core of Buckner’s work are techniques using dreaming, imagery, and the spontaneous imagination. She has over fifteen years intensive study and practice using this work; her book, Dream Your Self into Being, explores some of the basics of the dreaming work and how she has used them in her personal life. Her academic work centers on the cognitive role of images in change and transformation, and as the means by which we build communities, society, and culture. Her project DYW Kids brings these techniques of using dreaming and the imagination for transforming communities to youth in several countries around the world. She has spoken on these topics at numerous international conferences, including Broadcast Educator’s Association, Immersive Media Summit, International Association for the Study of Dreams, Gina Gibney Dance Company, SOMAPARK Somatic Gallery AR Project for Grand ReUnion, and Art Stations Foundation, to name a few.

Buckner’s previous experience includes co-founding MicroFocus Media, a political-media research company with clients including John Kerry for President campaign, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and others; spearheading numerous community development programs including serving on the launch board for the Wilshire Center-KoreaTown business council, the grant selection committee for the LA Mayor’s Community Beautification office, and the Ambassador Hill Neighborhood Community-HBT-Councilman Garcetti partner tree-planting project in downtown LA. Buckner has also worked in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles; including directing a film/television production company and producing documentary programming.

  • Dreaming and Imagery Techniques
  • Executive & Leadership Coaching
  • Creativity Coaching for Individuals and Organizations
  • Project Incubation for Social Impact Art/Performance Media Psychology
  • Political Psychology, & Social Impact
  • Dream Your Self into Being (Blue Feather Press, Inc.) 2012
  • Ph.D. Psychology, emphasis Media 
  • Fielding Graduate University Master in Media Psychology
  • Fielding Graduate University Bachelor of Science Communications, University of Texas, Austin
  • ICF PCC level Coach Practitioner, School of Images


Bonnie Buckner teaches people how to dream and utilize their innate, spontaneous imagination for creativity and inner transformation. She coaches leaders, executives, and organizations, works with artists and performing arts foundations, and coaches individuals worldwide to find creative solutions to social and global challenges.


Images are also the means by which we envision and build communities, societies, and culture. Bonnie's passion is helping people to rediscover this innate ability of the powerful imagination to create the life they choose.