Ann Murdoch

Ann Murdoch
Ann is an acclaimed speaker, activist, and writer who has moved audiences with her uplifting and unflinching story of transitioning from a highly successful yet deeply depressed man to the joyful, authentic, and still successful woman she has always known herself to be.
A recipient of the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, and many other awards and commendations, Ann shares her insights from living on both sides of the gender divide and moving from a life of privilege to a life of authenticity.
She enlisted in the Army as a journalist, rising to the rank of Sergeant before earning her commission. She served in Infantry, Airborne, Special Operations, support, training, and recruiting units before concluding her military career on the Army Staff at the Pentagon. As chief of Officer Accessions Policy, she innovated numerous policies that made the Army Officer Corps more diverse and representative of the nation it serves. After retirement, she was brought back on active duty in the Army Leadership Office. Among her accomplishments were revising seven Army regulations upon the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”.
She is the past president of the Transgender American Veterans Association, taking the organization from the brink of collapse to a nationally respected Veteran Service Organization advising the White House and Department of Veterans Affairs. She has held numerous board and executive positions in nonprofit organizations.
Today, she uses her story to inspire and motivate people to break through doubt and fear to live their best, most authentic lives, teaches organizations how to harness the incredible power of diverse and inclusive teams, and works for fairness, equality, and tolerance for all people.