Dorothy Mackay

Dorothy Mackay
Leadership Coach
Dorothy Mackay has over 3 decades of professional expertise in facilitating the success of individuals and organizations. During her 36-year career with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), she rose through the ranks from a GS-3 Clerk-Stenographer to a Senior Executive, and served in all three VA administrations, as well as a couple of staff offices. Her senior level positions at VA included Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Learning Officer. An intriguing opportunity was the catalyst for a change and a move to the Department of Homeland Security for the last two years of her federal career.
Dorothy graduated from the Georgetown University Executive Leadership Coaching Program, is an International Coaching Federation ACC Certified Coach, and a Certified Government Coach. She has guided clients through the creation of a development plan based on assessment feedback from various assessment instruments. She holds a B.I.S. Degree from George Mason University in Public Administration/ Human Resources Management, and is a Certified Laughter Yoga Instructor, Commissioned Stephen Minister, and Instructor/Judge/Student of Japanese Shotokan Karate (2nd degree black belt.)